Occupational exposure in the workplace: evaluation of dangerous chemical agents

The legislation on hazardous substances regulates compliance with occupational exposure limit values by the employer. We carry out analyses of work areas and determine the concentrations of hazardous substances in the air. We perform these tasks as your partner for the protection of your employees.

WESSLING analyses et surveillance substances sur lieux de travail

WESSLING's analyses meet the most stringent regulatory requirements in accordance with the EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard. Our measurement technicians have extensive experience in the determination and evaluation of hazardous and harmful substances in workplace air.

Our services for measuring hazardous substances

  • Validated sampling and analysis methods, including Metropol, IFA, DFG, NIOSH and OSHA
  • Comparable results recognised by supervisory authorities and professional insurers
  • Workplace measurements in accordance with chemical risk management in the workplace
  • Determination of dust (respirable dust (A) and inhalable dust fraction (E)) and dust components such as metal compounds and quartz
  • Determination of inorganic gases and vapours such as acids, ammonia, fluorides and hydrogen fluoride
  • Determination of organic gases and vapours such as solvents, alcohols, volatile aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons and formaldehyde
  • Determination of selected parameters requiring extensive analytical effort such as isocyanates and diesel engine emissions

Do you have a problem with an unwanted chemical substance? We can set up analyses on request if you provide us with the CAS number of the compound concerned.

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