Biogas: cogenerate, inject and liquefy

WESSLING is your partner for all questions relating to biogas. Our analytical expertise makes it simpler to add value to your biogas.

Fotoaufnahme Biogasanlage und Maisfeld von oben

Our experts are continually working to improve biogas yield while maintaining respect for the environment. With our wide range of services, we can support you throughout the production process by analysing your raw and purified biogas.

Mycotoxins: Anticipating Risks in 2025 Amidst Evolving Climate Conditions

In 2024, unfavorable weather conditions—particularly persistent rainfall and high humidity—led to a resurgence of mycotoxin contamination throughout the agri-food supply chain.

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Feedback from WESSLING collaboration with Emploi d'Abord

At the annual meeting of the Comité Départemental de l'Isère, Elisabeth JOUFFRAY, the company's HR Director, gave feedback on WESSLING's collaboration with Emploi d'Abord.

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