Our carbon footprint

In July 2023, WESSLING France decided to take a further step in its ecological transition by joining the Diag Décarbon'Action program, proposed by BPI France and ADEME.

This system enables us to measure our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and then define a personalized action plan to reduce them. In this context, we chose to work with Sami, a company specializing in corporate climate initiatives. 


What is a corporate carbon footprint?

A carbon footprint provides a snapshot, at a given point in time, of all the greenhouse gas emissions linked to a company's activity. 

It quantifies the company's environmental impact, taking into account all sources of direct and indirect emissions, such as energy consumption, business travel and waste production. This process provides a global and precise view of greenhouse gas emissions linked to the various stages in the life cycle of the company's products or services. 

The carbon footprint is therefore an essential strategic tool for identifying the various sources of greenhouse gas emissions, in order to find solutions for reducing these emissions over the long term. It is the first step in the company's transition to a lower-carbon, more sustainable economy.

Our carbon footprint in 2022

We have carried out our carbon footprint with the support of the Sami platform, in order to gain a better understanding of our greenhouse gas emissions and propose solutions to reduce them. After several months of data collection and processing, we are now able to present the results of our 2022 carbon footprint, which covers all the direct (scopes 1) and indirect (scopes 2 and 3) activities of WESSLING France. 

These results enable us to identify our main emission sources: 

  1. Premises: this item includes energy consumption, construction, air-conditioning fluids, as well as maintenance and office waste.
  2. Freight: here we find all the transport of our samples.
  3. Travel: this item represents all greenhouse gas emissions linked to commuting and work-related travel.
  4. Inputs: this item covers the purchase of consumables and small equipment. 

To be continued...

What's next? WESSLING France is continuing the Diag Décarbon'Action with the definition of a specific action plan to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. We're working on it, and we'll keep you posted!


Les actualités de l'entreprise

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