A larger waste recovery laboratory for WESSLING France

A few months after the expansion of WESSLING France's premises in Lyon, the company has enlarged its analytical laboratory dedicated to waste recovery: it is twice as large and completely digitalized. Customers benefit from new advantages. More details here.

Since September 2022, WESSLING France has had a larger laboratory dedicated to the analysis of organic, inorganic, hazardous and special waste. As part of the general expansion of the Saint-Quentin-Fallavier site, the company has changed the layout of the recovery laboratory, which now occupies more than 300m², and has moved to the first floor of the site. The expansion is accompanied by a digitization of the processes that allows WESSLING to have a real-time overview of the status of orders and to limit the use of paper. In addition, the new location improves the working conditions of the employees in the laboratory. 

More samples processed and real-time information

This expansion is a direct consequence of the market demands in terms of analytical quantity but also in terms of services in the digital era. 

Indeed, thanks to the expansion, WESSLING can analyze more samples than before and thus meet the growing demands of customers. The new space available also allows us to offer R&D services and more "custom" analytical services. These non-routine services are a specificity of WESSLING on the French analytical market.

At the same time, the digitization of processes within the laboratory allows customers to have very precise and rapid information on the status of analyses. In addition, this new feature improves the prioritization of analyses for urgent requests. In doing so, the company is also pursuing its CSR commitment: "The only paper used in our laboratory is for labeling the containers. For analytical processes we only use digital tools and thus reduce our paper consumption!" explains Robin T'Jampens, head of the "waste recovery" department at WESSLING France. 

The samples come from all over France and from various industrial or technological backgrounds. The strength of this new laboratory lies in its ability to adapt to custom-made projects.

Our waste analysis team (laboratory)
From left to right : Valentin Bouret, Georgette Peaud and Océane Gros.

Reminder: what is analyzed in the laboratory?

  • In the "waste recovery" laboratory, the WESSLING team analyzes several types of samples
  • waste with combustible properties (CSR, wood, biomass, etc.) are studied to assess their combustion performance. 
  • Samples with agronomic potential are analyzed to perform the appropriate regulatory controls. 
  • A part of the laboratory is dedicated to the accompaniment of the operators of methanization units, with the realization of the biological follow-ups, the tests of methanogenic potential or the analyses of biogas.

Insight into our laboratory

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