SSD wood analysis

Building materials and furniture are sources of pollutants: why carry out analyses in a test chamber ?

Robin T'Jampens

Robin T'Jampens

Why conduct indoor air quality analyses?

Because we spend 80% of our time in closed environments and because it is subject to multiple regulations, indoor air quality is a priority. The potential sources of pollution are numerous. 

Regularly cited as a source of volatile pollutants degrading indoor air quality: furniture, interior and construction materials. This is why WESSLING performs analyses on different matrices in test chambers using thermodesorption.


What pollutants are emitted by furniture and what regulations are they subject to?

Furniture is an important source of indoor air quality pollution. According to the National Agency for Health, 31 dangerous Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are emitted by furniture. It is for this reason that furniture is a subject of reflection for the government. 

A large number of volatile pollutants are emitted by several materials used in the manufacture of furniture. Wood, metals, foams, latex, glues, paints and varnishes are for example highlighted as sources of pollution. 

Although for the moment no regulations have been issued, the various reports concerning the impact of pollution from furniture on indoor air quality could accelerate the appearance of standards on this subject.

That is why WESSLING offers emission analyses of furniture according to NF EN ISO 16000 and NF EN 7171 to help its customers position themselves for potential future regulations.


Overview of our laboratory equipment

„I accompany you in the realization of tests relating to the indoor air quality“

Robin T'Jampens

Robin T'Jampens

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