Analysis and consulting for microplastics

WESSLING is one of the few laboratories in Europe with the expertise and equipment to carry out microplastic analysis. We support you throughout your project: set-up, sampling, analysis and expertise.


Our services

An overview of our analyses in just a few clicks.

Microplastics in the ocean

Microplastics analysis

Environment, food processing, cosmetics.

Expertise and consulting

Development of specific analytical methods; sampling; consulting.

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We analyse microplastics for the following areas:

  • Drinking water, waste water, surface water, process water,
  • Soils and sediments,
  • Sewage sludge,
  • Compost,
  • Food and beverages,
  • Cosmetics,
  • Textiles,
  • Consumer goods,
  • Tyres,
  • Indoor air.

Our expertise

Our services :

  • Support in the construction of your project,
  • Taking samples,
  • Sample preparation using methods specifically adapted to the chosen matrices and analyses,
  • Analysis by spectroscopy (FTIR or RAMAN) and/or pyrolysis-GC/MS,
  • Expert report (interpretation assistance).

Expression of results:

  • Concentration of microplastics,
  • Nature of the polymers,
  • Size of microplastics.

Example of projects

Our various research projects :

Development of a freshwater sampling methodology for microplastics analysis.

By developing consistent sampling procedures, the analysis of microplastics in freshwater and sediments can be revolutionised in an R&D project that fills the gaps in our knowledge.

Happy Fish project

The HappyFish project monitored the factors influencing the quality of fish products from the lake to our tables. The independent laboratory (WESSLING Hungary Kft.), the university and other professional partners involved in the HUF 1.5 billion project examined water, sediment, fish stress and processing technologies, as well as the microplastic content of surface waters.

How do microparticles from tyre abrasion get into the environment?

Within the framework of the joint research project "Tyre Abrasion in the Environment" (in Germany this project is called "Reifenabrieb in der Umwelt - RAU"), we are using our expertise to develop, implement and evaluate methods for the physical and chemical analysis of microplastics. The aim is to gain new knowledge about the extent of tyre abrasion on roads.

The project is part of the research project "Plastics in the Environment" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany.

What are the effects of microplastics on humans and the environment?

With the research project "MikroPlastiCarrier", funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), WESSLING is studying the impact of microplastics on humans and the environment. The project partners are working together to develop faster and simpler analysis methods for these tiny particles.

We support the project with our expertise in sample collection, processing and analysis. In addition, we are studying the risks associated with the deposition of microplastics on the surface of living organisms.

MOMENTUM research consortium

Over the next three years, we will work with other experts from universities, research institutes and partner companies to find answers to the risks of microplastics and nanoplastics to human health. The common goal is to better understand the degradation processes of micro and nanoplastics from plastic products.

WESSLING's microplastics experts are developing analytical methods to characterise the type and nature of the particles and will also perform analyses within the project. The project is funded by ZonMw, TNO and the Health~Holland communication platform, which have now jointly allocated 5.4 million euros to the MOMENTUM consortium.

Our services (analysis)

<p>Historically, WESSLING France was dedicated to the analysis of polluted sites and soils. We have progressively developed our field of expertise and now offer a wide range of services.</p>

Food and feed

Microbiology, audits and trainings

We support you in your quality procedures.


Our alcohol analysis laboratory

Located in the Paris region, the laboratory analyses alcoholic drinks and much more.


Full and personalised support

Food packaging and consumer products

Migration testing, compostability testing and emission testing


Our historical know-how

We carry out environmental analyses and you meet the technical and legal requirements. All of this while respecting the protection of the environment, health and consumers.

Indoor air quality

For the health in buildings

All our analyses for certification or simply for indoor living quality.

Search for microplastics

To detect microparticle and nanoparticle pollution

Detection through analysis but also advice and expertise in finding solutions to this problem.


Your ideas come alive

Waste recovery

Let's use the resources of our waste

Whether it is organic waste or energy waste, we analyse it and support you.

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