Microplastics are small plastic particles that are smaller than 5 mm in size. These particles can accumulate in our environment, particularly in the oceans, which can lead to the contamination of our food supply.
There are two types of microplastics:
Microplastics can pose a danger due to potential chemical and biological contaminants that can attach to their surfaces.
Analyzing microplastics in an R&D approach allows, among other things:
Microplastic analyses can also be carried out for quality and environmental purposes. This is done to ensure good quality for consumers and to offer a product guaranteed to be "microplastic-free," for example.
WESSLING is among the few European laboratories with the necessary expertise and specific equipment to analyze microplastics and nanoplastics in water (drinking water, process water, wastewater, etc.) and sediments, as well as in food products, beverages, and cosmetics.
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