Feedback from WESSLING collaboration with Emploi d'Abord

At the annual meeting of the Comité Départemental de l'Isère, Elisabeth JOUFFRAY, the company's HR Director, gave feedback on WESSLING's collaboration with Emploi d'Abord.

Annual meeting of the Isère Departmental Committee

In front of an audience of Isère public-sector players committed to inclusion and a return to employment, she gave an account of the hard work done by Jérémy DUMOULIN, Recruitment & Employment Project Manager for the department's Solidarity Department, to understand our needs and our professions and to be able to offer them to people who are temporarily out of work.

‘By not closing any doors to people with no qualifications or experience, we can recruit differently and succeed in getting people back to work in jobs related to our laboratories, thanks to our fantastic learner-managers!’

Admittedly,’ said Elisabeth Jouffray, ’it doesn't always work, but when it does, it's a great collective victory! 




We would like to thank the local employment players for opening the Committee's doors to us, and in particular :

  • Christophe CHARLES, Vice-President of the Department for Integration
  • Alexis BARON, Deputy Director General in charge of the Family Division
  • Angélique CHAPOT, Director of the Solidarity Department
  • Anne GARNIER DE FALLETANS, Head of Department, Employment Integration Service, Department of Solidarity
  • Laurent DUCLOS, Head of ‘Pathway Engineering and Support Strategy’ projects - IPSA, Ministry of Labour and sociologist
  • Rebecca ANDEZIAN, ‘Employment First’ Project Manager
  • Jérémy DUMOULIN, Recruitment & Employment Project Manager, Department of Solidarity
  • Aurélie MOREL, Deputy Territorial Director, Nord Isère France TRAVAIL,
  • Corinne GAUTHRIN, Director of the DDETS,
  • Valérie Mougenot Recruitment Consultant France Travail
  • Sandra Bouyard Team Manager Entreprises France Travail

And all those who work for professional integration!

Votre contact dédié

Elisabeth Jouffray