Why measure the proportion of renewable carbon in CO2 emissions or waste?

Measuring the proportion of renewable in CO2 emissions or a waste product can be very beneficial for cement manufacturers and waste treatment companies: to reduce the General Tax on Polluting Activities (GTPA) or to characterise and recover a waste product before sale.

cement manufacturers and waste treatment companies

In the first case, GTPA can be reduced particularly by determining the renewable carbon content of the COemitted during combustion. See our previous article.

The second case concerns mainly waste treatment companies.
They can enhance the value of a (waste) product before sale by measuring the proportion of renewable carbon.
Waste with a high renewable carbon content will sell at a higher price, since it allows the company buying the waste to reduce its GTPA. 

Please contact us directly if you are interested in determining the biogenic carbon content of your CO2 or waste. 

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